The latest part of the entryway makeover is finally in situ and I just had to share it with you guys! I think I did rather well to end up with something so dramatic on such a tight budget.
If you've been following along you'll know that a couple of months ago I decided that I couldn't live with the hallway the way it was anymore. It had brown walls and filthy carpet, it was dark and unwelcoming and it just really wasn't a great thing to see every time you came in or out of the house. So we saved up and paid someone to paint the whole thing, then I painted the stairs and added a runner, and now with the lighting sorted we're nearly there.
I wanted something dramatic in here. With the large expanses of white walls in here I thought anything too small just wouldn't make any impact, and while I would have loved a gorgeous brass sputnik-style chandelier the ceiling was just too low (and my budget was too tight!). Thankfully though, I came across this beauty on and the day was saved. The light fitting was €20 (link here), the bulbs were €30 (link here). Job done.
I'm really happy with how the whole thing is shaping up! I just need to decide what I'm putting on the wall at the top of the stairs (that's Gavin's late Grannies mirror propped up there, it might be staying) and if I need art or something on the left hand wall as you go up the stairs. What do you think? I thought I needed some large scale art here but the more I look at pictures of it now the more I think I like it just as it is. Maybe adding art/frames would clutter it up? Let me know what you think!
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